How to Deal with Social Anxiety Disorder? | Symptoms | Treatment

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) estimates to affect around 13% of the total United States population at some point in their lives. People who have social anxiety disorder suffer in all areas; they have trouble finding a partner, maintaining relationships, building a career, finding jobs, and getting through everyday life aspects.


SAD can be debilitating, and its best treatment approaches involve cognitive behavior therapy and medication such as SSRIs, or a combination of both. But there is a lot much that you can do for yourself to deal with your social anxiety disorder.

Self-help strategies are a significant component of traditional treatment approaches. Self-help incorporates relaxation, exposure to feared situations, and thought reprogramming.


Ask for help

Don’t wait for tomorrow, next week, or the next time you experience social anxiety. Make an appointment to see a mental health professional or someone you trust. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your doctor, contact a mental health helpline. You will feel less intimidating in talking to an anonymous stranger, and you could receive the help you need.


Keep a journal

Keep a daily or weekly journal to see how much you improve. Writing about your experiences and thoughts can help you recognize when you fall back into old habits and negative thoughts.


Improve your health

Take some steps to ensure that poor physical health doesn’t contribute to your anxiety problems. Eat a balanced and healthy diet and exercise regularly, including weight training and cardiovascular exercises. Do your level best to stay away from drinking alcohol. Try to drink chamomile tea to soothe you.


Set goals

It is not enough to have dreams or goals in your mind. Whether you want to overcome your social anxiety issues or become a university topper, it is important to put down your paper goals. It makes them measurable and real. Part of setting goals also contributes to mental peace when you achieve them. And remember not to compare yourself with others in terms of social success.


Buy yourself some new outfits

Retail therapy is no cure for social anxiety disorder, but sometimes clothing really makes you feel like a new person with a new attitude. Get yourself out of a rut by buying something outside your comfort zone. Choose something unique to try new and choose a different accent to have a conversation starter when you first meet someone.


Cherish being alone

People with a social anxiety disorder are natural introverts; it means that they like to spend time alone instead of in the company of other people. Choose to take time alone to gather your thoughts (rather than because of social fear) is a self-aware and healthy choice.


Learn to say “YES”

Perhaps you have been tired of saying a “NO” to everything and everyone. Why not start saying “yes?” if someone invites you to do something social, try to accept the invitation. Although you may feel anxious at first, over time, you will become less fearful. Next time a co-worker asks you for a coffee break or a friend invite you for a date, make an effort to go.


Don’t try to be perfect

Social anxiety and perfectionism go hand in hand. Everything you do and everything that you say doesn’t need to be perfect. Make a point of being yourself, of being imperfect, and taking chances.


Take time to laugh

Sometimes people with SAD spend so much time fretting and worrying that they forget to have fun and laugh. If you aren’t laughing and having fun, what is the point??


In the process of dealing with your social anxiety disorder, the first thing is to remember that everything takes time. You will not go from a socially anxious person to a social butterfly overnight, no matter how hard you try or what change you make.

Be happy with the little steps and small progress that you make. Focus on your journey, and your efforts will definitely take you there.


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